@extends('layouts.app') @section('content') @include('partials.gift-head') For Individual Project: King County Parks 02/02 Sort Price: Low to high Price: high to low Less CO2 absorbed More CO2 absorbed All @foreach ($species as $key => $specie) {{ $specie }} @endforeach CO2 Calculator @forelse ($project->species as $specie) @if ($specie->tree_image) @else @endif {{ $specie->name }} {{ $specie->pivot->basic_price }}﷼/ Tree CO2: {{ $specie->pivot->carbon_value }} (Ton) - + 0﷼ 450.00﷼ 20% Off Enter maintenance time in year(s) By default maintenance will be applicable for 01 year. You can extend the no. of maintenance years and charges will vary accordingly. - + @empty @endforelse @if ($project->name) @else @endif Project name {{ $project->name ? $project->name : '' }} Description {!! $project->description ? $project->description : '' !!} Carbon Quantification Certification - *you have to plant a minimum of 1000 trees. Carbon Quantification Certification - *you have to plant a minimum of 1000 trees. Order Value You have selected 0 trees @include('projects.render-cart', ['cartArr' => $cart]) Grand Total 0 ﷼ Continue @endsection @section('scripts') @endsection
{{ $specie->name }}
Project name
{{ $project->name ? $project->name : '' }}