We make high integrity carbon initiatives available to all kinds of enterprises with ease. Read more

Why plant
My tree

Climate Change is the most pressing of issues faced by mankind today. Planting trees, definitely is one PANACEA.
We at plantmytree.com is a one-stop solution for planting tree. We believe this process should be a breeze. This intuitive and responsive website has been designed to ensure a seamless platform, keeping your planting needs as priority.

Come, join us in this beautiful journey to give back to nature.


Natural arrangements can
account for 30% climate


Forests are domestic to 80%
of all earthly biodiversity.


of the world’s populace
depends on woodlands for

Our Projects

Have deep dive into each of our project, to decide which ones are
the best for you to participate in.

Your planting journey with plantmytree.com is at your fingertips in your phone.

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Let's opening a new chapter for Earth

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P.O. Box: 31317, Saudi Arabia


Aarksee Group of Companies

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